Wednesday, December 16

lets post something useful once in a while. Since my blog post are like... quite useless?!?!

TR21 is suddenly kind of bonded now. Haha!
with affairs flying everywhere!

seriously i think our relationship chart is gonna be even more confusing that johnny entertainment de. Kekeke....

after TRMK paper... which 6 marks have already parted with me
: ((
we went over to sing! its been so long since k session!!!

anyway main story of the day:

i was like... waiting for the whole bunch of ppl (who are waiting for ice age to come) at the road intersection of chinatown.

so while waiting for them, it decided to open up a singapore tourist map which i took from somewhere to self-entertain myself.

so this uncle who was like, sitting down dunnoe doing what, was friendly enough to ask me where i wanted to go.

HAHA! so i was like... I'm a singaporean! just waiting for friends.

Conclusion: its nice knowing that there are people like them who are friendly enough to actually take the initiative of helping tourist. thats what gonna make singapore a good tourist destination! not those technology like RFID, video analytic or bluetooth!

so we should just skip STMO!

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