Thursday, October 29

While doing (more of like staring) at my cover letter, i suddenly had this idea of looking through my past posts.

Mind you. My freaking blog dates back to 2004. Which is like 5 years old already!

The main thing is ~ MY ENGLISH!

How did i even get an A for my english in olevel?!?!

Not trying to be hao lian. Its just that even though my english isn't really flowery and perfect now.

Where i can't differentiate when must put "s" when shouldn't. which is so... primary school english.

But at least i don't sound like some freaking primary school drop out ah lian!

No guys *tsk tsk tsk* i don't provide archives. Don't bother.

I'm not going to try and disgrace myself.

I sound like a f***ing ah lian. Like seriously... AH LIAN lehx! *shake head*

1 comment:

  1. yina is ah lian.
    like allen lor.
    i was also looking at the resume we did last last sem..
    and suddenly realised i got a freaking B3 for english.
    MUST BE YOU LAR, take my A..
