Sunday, October 4

When true love exist...
APRIL BRIDE is based on the true story of a young Japanese woman by the name of Chie Nagashima, whose battle with breast cancer was unflinchingly chronicled in a news report and subsequent documentary broadcast on TBS in May 2007.

Chie was a young, smart, vibrant and vivacious 23-year old when she was diagnosed rather belatedly, as having breast cancer. At the initial stage of her cancer diagnosis, she said that she had just started taking baby steps in her life, and her adult life has just started and it was simply exciting. She had a job. She just met her boyfriend. She dreams of the day she will get married to the love of her life, while continuing with her daily work routine, much like any women in their twenties.

Chie is simply an ordinary girl, who has ended up in extraordinary circumstances.

Every woman needs a man like him :))

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